Media Law Post #4

Ryan Smith

When thinking about a current event to talk about for this post, I didn't want to cover something like the Black Lives Matter movement or the storming of the capitol as they seemed too far back and I wanted to talk about something very recent. The BLM movement was last year, and the storming of the capitol was in the very first week of this year, so I chose something going on in this current month, and that is the censorship of all holidays at schools. While this isn't a nationwide event at the moment, it very well could be in the future. Starting June 10th, 2021 every holiday in the academic calendar will be removed and be replaced with "day off" to prevent offending anyone. Not only does this cause confusion, but it's actively destroying freedom of speech in order to protect people's feelings. This culture that we've grown into is extremely detrimental to society because it teaches people to censor things they don't like so they never have to deal with them instead of going through it the hard way and developing thicker skin because of it. The past couple of years have made everyone become incredibly soft to the most minuscule things to the point that absolutely anything and everything can be described as "hate speech", which has become a cliche blanket term that essentially now means "anything you personally don't like". Having your feelings get hurt is a part of life that you have to learn from, not censor and pretend doesn't exist.


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