Media Law Post #6

 Ryan Smith

For a while, I struggled with how to put what to say for this post, but after about 2 days, I realized that this is supposed to be an opinionated post, and there isn't a "right answer" like something like the EOTO post. So personally, the reason why I think that we don't see many people with anti-war mindsets in current day is because so much other stuff has been going on. 2020 was an almost if not unanimously hated year, and it seemed like something new was going on every single week to make our lives a living hell. There were talks of a possible "World War 3" at the very beginning of 2020, but as soon as the coronavirus hit and everything else started happening, a lot of people forgot about that possibility due the sheer amount of events, I know I did.

Another reason why we may not have as many people with strict anti-war mindsets compared to 100 years ago could be that we don't have a draft anymore. If people want to sign up for the military on their own accord, they can do so, but we don't force people to go against their will anymore. On the other side of the coin, maybe we may not have people with this attitude because the military is keeping their information air-tight so that people outside have limited knowledge of what's going on with them. There are a lot of different possible explanations for why we don't have as many anti-war opinions compared to many years ago, but who knows if it is or isn't worth it to think about why?


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