Media Law Post #7

 Ryan Smith

I originally didn't want to do my post on this topic because I was worried that other people in the class would also do their post on this topic and felt that it would be too common, but instead of worrying about what other people are doing, I decided to do it anyway and make this post the best I can. The smartphone is something that the majority of people take for granted nowadays, but let's be more specific. When the iPhone was released in 2007, it was unlike anything we'd ever seen before. A phone, internet browser, and MP3 player all in one device was insane for the time. To some, people in the United States who don't have an iPhone or smartphone in general can sound crazy, although that is an extremely shallow mindset, because there are some reasons why someone may not want one. One very obvious one is that someone may have one of the smartphones from the competition like an Android. It's decently well-known that Android phones can do more than iPhones can, but despite that people tend to gravitate towards iPhones, even myself. Some like having headphone jacks on their phones, and some don't like the overpriced nature of Apple's recent products with little improvements. My personal reasoning is that I don't need my phone to do as much as a computer, that's what actual computers are for. To people who do want that flexibility, great for them, I just don't need it. Plus the fact that that flexibility comes with the possibility of getting viruses on your phone while it's impossible to get them on iPhones is a very nice bonus. Some of the much less common reasons for not wanting a smartphone is that they will take up too much of your life and you'll be much more free without one, or even the paranoia that you're being tracked. While personally I think taking a week off or so to completely unplug is a nice change of pace that can really benefit you and give you a good mindset, I think this may a bit extreme considering how legitimately helpful they are from everyday life to even your job. Of course there are always going to be negatives of having an iPhone or smartphone in general, whether you believe it or not, but they do their jobs very well and are a huge convenience in the modern world.


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